Field Selection Bibliography


BAILEY, K. D. 1987 Methods of Social Research. New York: Free Press.

CASLEY, Dennis J. and KUMAR, Krishna 1988 The Collection, Analysis, and Use of Monitoring and Evaluation Data. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

CONN, Harvie M. 1984 Reaching the Unreached. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.

DAYTON, Edward R. 1983 That Everyone May Hear. Monrovia, California: MARC.

DEKKER, John T. J. 1983 "Unreached Peoples Data: Out of the Computers and into the Fields," Evangelical Missions Quarterly. 19:232-242.

DODD, Carley H. 1985 "The Receptivity Scale: A Pilot Study to Develop an Empirical Receptivity Index" Strategy. April-June 1985.

FENTON, Thomas P. and HEFFRON, Mary J. 1987 Africa: A Directory of Resources. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.

FESTINGER, Leon 1957 A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson and Company.

GRAVES, Theodore D. and GRAVES, Nancy B. 1978 "Evolving Strategies in the Studies of Culture Change," The Making of Psychological Anthropology. G. Spindler, ed. Berkeley: University of California Press. 518-551.

GRIMES, Barbara F. 1988 Ethnologue. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc..

GUTTING, Gary 1980 Paradigms and Revolutions. London: University of Notre Dame Press.

GUZZO, R.A. 1982 Improving Group Decision Making in Organizations. New York: Academic Press.

HARPER, George W. 1982 "How Valid is Receptivity in Determining Mission Strategy?" Evangelical Missions Quarterly. 18:204-209.

LANDFORD, H. W. 1972 Technological Forecasting Methodologies. New York: American Management Association.

McGAVRAN, Donald 1955 The Bridges of God. London: World Dominion Press.

1970 Understanding Church Growth. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans.

1983 "The Priority of Ethnicity," Evangelical Missions Quarterly. 19:14-23.

MONTGOMERY, Robert L. 1986 "Receptivity to an Outside Religion: Light from Interaction Between Sociology and Missiology," Missiology. 14:288-299.

ROBB, John D. 1989 Focus! The Power of People Group Thinking. Monrovia, California: MARC.

WALLACE, Anthony F. C. 1956 "Revitalization Movements," American Anthropologist. 58:264-281.