Fact Sheet




85.5% Traditional

6.8% Islam

5.5% Christian

2.3% Catholic

1.4% Protestant

1.8% Harrist

2.1% Other

These are Catholic statistics for 1986 and include non-Guéré within the tribal area. Protestant churches include Union des Églises Evengliques du Sud Ouest (UEESO), Assemblies of God, Église Reveil, Baptist Mid-Missions, Église Baptiste Oeuvre. Marginal groups include Christianisme Celeste, Harrist church, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Jesus Seule, and Jehovah's Witnesses.



Berryman and Palmer describe the receptivity of the Guéré as good, but not dramatic.


Factors Indicating Receptivity

Low churchedness, relatively high homogeneity and low mobility (for Côte d'Ivoire), low denominational protectionism


Factor Restricting Receptivity

Little recent church growth, which may have resulted from split between the UEESO and Église Reveil.


Population Density

Country of Côte d'Ivoire--102 persons/sq. mile. The Guéré tribal area covers approximately 5,400 square miles. Based on the population of the Guéré group, the population density of this area is 92 persons/sq. mile.


Total Population

Vanderaa (1991) puts the population of the Wée-Guéré, whom Palmer and Berryman surveyed, at 289,600. The Guéré group totals 496,900 in population. The Wée-Guéré are known as the Krahn in Liberia where they number 94,800.



The rural areas among the Guéré are highly homogeneous, sometimes being 95% Guéré. Each village usually has a quartier in which Mossi, Dioula, or Yakouba immigrants live. The towns in the area have large numbers of non-Guéré.


The Guéré group of peoples consists of several related tribes. The above statistics concerning churchedness are for the Wée-Guéré. The Wobé, immediately to the north, are closely related and number 170,500.


Denominational Protectionism

The low level of churchedness among the Guéré lends itself to lower denominational protection than is usual in Côte d'Ivoire.



Islam in Guéré-land is limited chiefly to the towns and most Muslims ar Dioula immigrants. Islam is numerically strongest in Duékoué (11%), Guiglo (6%), and Toulepleu (14%). Likely less than 2% of the Guéré are Muslim.



There is a high degree of mobility among the Guéré, but less so than among other groups in Côte d'Ivoire.


Availability of Scriptures

The New Testament is available in Guéré


Expectations of Government

The Church of Christ is not registered in Côte d'Ivoire, but missionaries are currently living in Bouaké and Dabou without registration.


For additional information see Philip D. Palmer, Prospectus: The Guere of Ivory Coast, November 1987.