Fact Sheet



422,000 (CRWM)


Religious Makeup

60% ATR, 12% Muslim, 4% (5,930) Protestant (CRWM); presumably 24% Catholic


Sub-Groups in Benin

East:      Group    Population    Religion    Churches    %Protestant
                 Nago        175,000        M/C               58            6.9
                 Cabe         80,000        T/C                35            5.9
                 Idaca         30,000 
                 Ife              22,500
                 Ica             39,000          T
                 Ije              20,000
                 Aguna        15,000 
 Far North
                 Makole        65,000        T--One SIM missionary working here.


"The Yoruba, related to the Yoruba of Nigeria, are called the Nago (Nagot) in Benin and include the small Holli and Ketu groups" (EB, 861).


Population Density (EB, 801):

East and West--195-520 persons/sq. mile

Far North--25-65 persons/sq. mile


"Benin's rate of population growth is high for Western Africa, resulting primarily from a birthrate that is higher than the regional average and a death rate that is lower. Moreover, nearly one-half of the population is less than 15 years of age, assuring the country's continued high growth rate" (EB, 862).


Yoruba is next to Fon as widely spoken language in the south (Europa). 14% of the people of Benin are native speakers of Yoruba (PC Globe).


EB=Encyclopedia Britanica CRWM=Larry Verderaa, "A Survey of for Christian and Reformed World Missions of Missions and Churches in West Africa," May 1991.